Samara bend is a large, backwards-C-shaped bend in the middle Volga River at the confluence of the Samara River. The Zhiguli Mountains (Zhiguli) are a range of wooded mountains located in Russia, on the right bank of the Volga River, in the Samara Bend.


Samara bend is considered to be equal to the world-famous treasures like the Big Barrier reef in Australia. Samara Bend, made by the rounding of the river Volga and protected by the mountains Zhiguly, is a special place. During millions of years a special microclimate and the vegetable kingdom - were formed here. At tops, rocks and other rocky exposures of Zhiguli there are the most ancient geological breeds on a surface which have generated 230-350 million years ago in the Permian and Carboniferous periods. The picturesque mountains Zhiguly have lots of legends and mysteries.


Based on materials from the site